Simple Oat & Pecan Blueberry Crisp Recipe - Savory Sojourn
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Simple Oat & Pecan Blueberry Crisp

52 reviews / 4.8 average

There are certain events in a person’s life that call for blueberry crisp three times in a row.

I’d like you to call one of those events to mind right now like right this very second, because you need this juicy sweetness in your life not once, not twice, three times over. Did you think of it yet? GET ON IT. We don’t have a ton of time here because your Hangry Dessert Self is about to show up.

I’m not sure what that three-time justifying event is for me other than … this blueberry crisp. So just to repeat that, I’m celebrating the making of blueberry crisp (which, FYI, is bursting with juicy summer fruit and overloaded with an ohmygosh so good lightly cinnamony oat and pecan crumble on top that is both whole grain and refined sugar free) by making the blueberry crisp again and again and again, and eating the leftovers for breakfast.

That’s rational, right? Blueberry crisp deserves more blueberry crisp. Extra topping. Drizzled with a coconut-frosting-thing. It makes one hundred percent logical sense to my foodlover brain.

How To Make Our Blueberry Crisp:

Simple Oat and Blueberry Crisp with yellow pot holders.

We have this tiny problem in our family and it’s called Food Blog Leftovers. Just let me say this: it’s really an incredible problem to have and I seriously mean that. It might be the best problem of all the problems anyone has ever called a problem. I really try not to take it for granted that we have a fridge full of mostly healthy and very fresh food on any given da- okay, just ignore that drawer on the bottom left.

Things We Do To Be Useful About Our Leftovers:

  1. Eat them. I dutifully put on my uniform of sweats and a T-shirt and assume the role of Leftovers Police almost every night of the week.
  2. Share them with neighbors. ❤
  3. Freeze them for ourselves to eat later.
  4. Freeze them in a stockpile for friends who are having babies.
  5. Send them to our workplace. This was a little bit easier when we actually worked in workplaces.

So naturally, we take leftovers really seriously, and it’s so so so awesome when the opportunity to share food arises because it helps us with our problem that’s not actually a problem.

Enter a pan full of leftover blueberry crisp. Bjork was literally finishing his second bowl of this when I started packing it up to bring to a friends’ house and –> HOLD IT RIGHT THERE <— it was suggested to me that maybe we should actually keep this whole pan for just us. More specifically, just Bjork. My nerd-sweetie reeeeally loves a good fruit crisp.

I said no, obviously, we don’t need to keep a whole pan of this sitting around our house just for us, and we brought it to our friends. Buuuuut then I made it again the next night. And again the next night. And somehow, we are able to deal with the mass amounts of blueberry crisp without any issues at all. I mean, I don’t even know where it’s going anymore. It’s, like, magically disappearing and somehow my lips and my shirt are all stained blueberry-blue. What the what.

Simple Oat and Blueberry Crisp in a white baking dish.

In addition to being super wonderfully delicious (maybe even more so to us since we are kind of scaling back on the shuggrr in our lives) this is a dessert that I honestly feel really good about eating in the way of putting good things into your body. Totally cool to eat for breakfast, if you ask me, because almost every single ingredient is a nutrient-packed whole food. Almond meal, oats, pecans, flaked coconut, blueberries, olive oil, cinnamon – this is truly a powerhouse drool-worthy dessert.

I got the starting idea for this recipe from the most amazing book I’m reading called Bread and Wine by Shauna Niequist. I literally finished the first page and thought to myself: I’m going to have to read this whole book again because I already love it so much. In addition to being a spiritual memoir of sorts relating food, relationships, and experiences around the table (which I heart), it has a recipe at the end of every chapter. Huzzah! This is my kinda book.

Simple Oat and Blueberry Crisp in small white dishes.

Alright, I’ll leave you alone now with one last Attack of the Superlong Image to convince you once and for all that this is the most glorious summer dessert and that it’s worth making three times in a row.

While you get your lips turning all blueberry-blue up in there, I’m going to be going on a super fun and wild (read: mild) adventure for a few days on a girls’ trip with friends from college since we are celebrating ten years of friendship? how and oh my wow?! The blog will keep on runnin’ and you can catch our live trip adventures on Instagram! Also, debating packing a batch of this in my suitcase. Normal, right?

Simple Oat and Blueberry Crisp making process.
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Blueberry crisp in pan.

Simple Oat & Pecan Blueberry Crisp


Simple Oat and Blueberry Crisp – refined sugar free and made with whole grains. Warm, juicy blueberries with a delicious crumbled topping.


  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1 cup pecan halves (about 3/4 cup chopped)
  • 1/2 cup almond meal
  • 1/2 cup flaked coconut (unsweetened, preferably!)
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/3 cup real maple syrup or raw honey
  • 4 cups blueberries


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Chop the pecans. Combine the oats, pecans, almond meal, coconut, salt, and cinnamon in a large bowl. Add the olive oil and maple syrup and stir until well mixed. GOOD LUCK NOT EATING THE WHOLE THING RIGHT HERE AND NOW.
  2. Grease a square baking dish (8×8 or 9×9) and arrange the blueberries in the bottom. Top with the oat mixture. Bake for 25-35 minutes or until the top is golden brown and has firmed up slightly. If you want, you can top with additional flaked coconut and return to the oven for another 5 minutes just for some decorative toasted coconut on top.


For the little drizzle on top, I creamed 8 ounces low fat cream cheese with 1/2 cup light coconut milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 2 tablespoons raw honey. That will give about 2 cups of coconut “sauce”, which is way more than you’ll need for the crisp, so you could either halve the ingredients to make less or just keep the leftovers in the fridge as a fruit dip, like I do! Num. Or just use ice cream, too!

The nutrition facts here do not include the coconut cream cheese drizzle – they are just for the blueberry crisp.

  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Cook Time: 40 mins
  • Category: Dessert
  • Cuisine: American

Keywords: dessert crisp, blueberry crisp, pecan crisp, crisp recipe

One More Thing!

This recipe is part of our delicious berry recipes page. Check it out!

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    1. Savory Sojourn Logo

      Hi ! I was wondering if it would be possible to use frozen blueberries. I am not sure what adjustments might need to be made. I will be picking berries for a few weeks but I will have frozen berries later. Help with this would be appreciated. Sounds like I might be eating this for breakfast a lot.

  1. Savory Sojourn Logo

    I thought the same thing when I read Bread and Wine earlier this summer! She articulated my thoughts about food, hospitality, and community than I ever could in my wildest dreams. I made a variation of her crisp, too! So delicious!

    And, it’s painfully obvious that it’s totally acceptable for breakfast.

  2. Savory Sojourn Logo

    This looks amazing! And I am excited because it is a recipe we can (almost, very nearly) have as is! That is always exciting for me to find recipes I don’t really have to adjust.

  3. Savory Sojourn Logo

    I’m going to Mexico with my girlfriends for Labor Day weekend and I was asked to bring all the blueberry mojito ingredients. Why am I so tempted to make this instead using the 5lbs of blueberries I bought?? This truly looks delicious (and guilt-free)!

  4. Savory Sojourn Logo

    This sounds like the perfect breakfast…I mean dinner…or is that dessert? It’s just an any time any place all around awesome dish! I love crisps, but I’m sad to say I’ve never had one with blueberries!! I love the fact that there’s no refined sugar in here!

  5. Savory Sojourn Logo

    OOh NOM! This is so chock full of blueberries! LOVE IT!!!
    P.S. I am a Certified Manager of Food Blog Leftovers – “what the what” indeed – I am here to rescue y’all! yuppity yuppers!
    Hope your trip is totally amazing!

    1. Savory Sojourn Logo

      I can find it at my regular grocery store (Bob’s Red Mill makes some that is available in mainstream stores usually) or you can also make some by grinding up almonds into a fine powder, kind of like flour. 🙂 It’s really good in this – nutty and perfectly textured to help the crumble stick together. I wouldn’t skip it!

    2. Savory Sojourn Logo

      This is my go to crisp …I have made it with & without the drizzle it’s yummy both ways, it is also amazing with fresh peaches… I bought most of the ingredients at Trader Joe’s…almond meal , pecans ,rolled oats & organic maple syrup .

  6. Savory Sojourn Logo

    Just in time for Labor Day weekend! And I think this might just be so delicious our non-traditional breakfast eater will see to it there are no left overs! 🙂

  7. Savory Sojourn Logo

    Oh yum, I think I can eat the whole pan on my own and then want some more! Plus, it’s blueberries and no refined sugar, so it’s basically a baked fruit salad which makes it totally okay for me to do that. I just need to figure out why I am not in the kitchen making this rightnow!

    1. Savory Sojourn Logo

      Can you use frozen blueberries or do they have to be fresh? I have an overload of frozen berries I need to use.

  8. Savory Sojourn Logo

    I’ve never heard of putting coconut drizzle over a peach crisp before. Must try this, the next time I make one.

    1. Savory Sojourn Logo

      Just wanted to tell you I made this and it was incredibly delicious! My whole family loved it 😊. Thank you for such a great recipe that not only works but tastes amazing!

  9. Savory Sojourn Logo

    Ohh, lawwwd. I have a freezer full of ginormous BC blueberries, and this is going to be a go-to crisp recipe for me. I love love combining olive oil and maple syrup as a granola base, so this is PERF. Thanks for another simple, but full of flavour recipe 🙂

  10. Savory Sojourn Logo

    number 1: read bread and wine last spring and loved it.
    number 2: just checked it out again *yesterday* because i wanted to make that crisp she wrote about and wanted to read the whole book again because it is amazing.
    number 3: you read my mind because you’re awesome.
    number 4: making blueberry crisp tonight.

  11. Savory Sojourn Logo

    Ughh I have the same problem with blog leftovers! My problem is usually with baked goods because I have to make a few batches to get them right. I have no problem gifting the good batches to work, neighbors, friends. But I never know what to do with the batches aren’t good enough to give away but aren’t bad enough to be thrown out. I can only eat so many dry cookies, and my hubby doesn’t like baked goods or sweets (he’s weird). #foodbloggerproblems. On another note, that crisp is one dish I would keep all to myself!

  12. Savory Sojourn Logo

    This is something I would like to try in weekend mornings. Healthy food yet yummy. I will try and let you know linday how it turned out.


  13. Savory Sojourn Logo

    I’m wondering if you could make this with other fruit? We are overrun with blackberries.